Boy's Room

Anyone love to decorate then re-arrange then re-decorate using the same stuff in your house? Well that’s me! I’m pretty girly so decorating the boys rooms has been a little stretch but super fun.  They’re into rockets and space and stars and things that as a kid I wasn’t into BUT i did want to be an astronaut. So far in our current house I’ve done their room two different ways. Ford is still in his crib but he will be in the big room once he learns to sleep on his own without all the drama.  


This is where we started with Hudson’s room but it’s a work in progress.  I loooove these beds but after our Cali trip hudson was begging for a bunk bed and we had always wanted to have a bunk room.  So his room has evolved!


Graham Rocker

Life, HomeKristen CritzComment