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I grew up on mac n cheese
and vaccines.

Anytime we were sick, we went to the doc. The first natural solution I remember using when I was little was a probiotic because the doctor told my mom it would help with all the ear infections I was getting. When I went to college, I didn't know what hummus or asparagus was. Generally the fruit I ate came from a plastic sealed container and swam in a bath of strange sugary gel. So let me tell you my friend, I've come a long way. But I've also had to in some ways. I've battled things like hyper-thyroid, and lyme disease. So this journey of wellness of mine isn't perfect or linear. It's all over the place and I’m happy with that. I still get epidurals when I birth babies (except maybe not with the next babe).

I friggin love honey nut cheerios, I've made my own bone broth before even though I literally didn't know that was a thing until 2010. I slather my kids with Thieves EO before they head out to school and they beg me for their vitamins and probiotics. And sometimes Jordan and I sit in bed at night and drink a good Mexican beer while eating chips and salsa. So wherever you are on this thing called a "health journey" you are welcome here.


My business, has been a huge surprise gift to me. A gift that's allowed me to pour into other women building businesses and pursuing dreams and other desperately looking for help with their health.

I've become an advocate for them and for myself. An advocate for freedom.

Right now I'm picturing myself standing on a hill leading the charge of women on their journey to finding freedom. Freedom from fear of what others might think if you vaccinate or not, freedom from that moment you become a dragon lady at that time of the month, freedom from fearing the winter season when all the bugs strike your home. I’m so excited to share with you what I’ve learned.


Wellness isn't just about your 
body but it's a big picture issue.
