Teaching our babes about Jesus

This year when I sat down to write goals and be inspired for 2018 in my business nothing came to me.  There was nothing...just blank pages!!   But I didn’t put much thought into the “why” because…..parenting, sleepless nights, traveling, holidays, flu virus,....all the things! You know the drill.  I was tired and my brain works at like 40% these days.  As I started thinking more and more about what I’m passionate about and what type of goals I would even want to focus on the Lord kept leading me to be inspired in my motherhood.  My personality is a go-getter type. I love to have goals and challenges and this year my focus has shifted a bit to be challenged in my motherhood.  As I scroll through instagram or flip through magazines what has stood out are the crafts to do with kiddos and the adventures to take them on.  


Hudson is 4 this month and Ford is 18 mos.  They are both at an age where their little minds are growing.  They’re playing with each other and they’re paying attention more to what’s going on around them.  A few weeks ago I was playing “solo parent”, because Jordan got caught in the blizzard of the century in Boston and didn’t come home for a few days, I was doing all of the bedtime routines alone.  As I laid in bed with Hudson I asked him if he wanted to pray.  He answered, “But when I pray God doesn’t hear me.  He never says anything back!”.  Usually Jordan is the one to do the bedtime drill with him while I rock Ford to sleep so this conversation was a first for me.  I was in tears thinking about all of the time I have with him and how it quickly slips away.  And as I do have time with him….what am I instilling in him?  What am I teaching him about Jesus?  I’m not the organized type so being intentional for me is a stretch.  I like to go with the flow and react rather than come prepared.  But seeing how fast these years are going by has me really inspired to think ahead and do some fun challenges with the babes to teach them about Jesus.

When I asked on social media what other moms do to teach them….there wasn’t a lot out there.  I think this is honestly a need.  Teaching doesn’t come naturally for a lot of us.  So for me, I need guidelines.  But I’m finding that I’m just going to have to make my own.


As I come up with little “lesson plans” i’m going to share with all of you so you can also use it for your babes at home!  It’s been fun to watch Hudson engage and learn from what we are teaching him!!  Share with us how you teach your babes! We would love to hear!


Here's what we've been doing a couple of mornings during the week! And don't worry, I wonder if Hudson is paying attention at all or so annoyed or whatever! But I know it's just about slowly planting these seeds that will one day grow! So give your babes grace if they aren't that into it! :) . Also bribing with m&ms is always a solution! just sayin!




VERSE: In the beginning, God Created the heavens and the Earth.  Genesis 1:1

MORNING ROUTINE: During breakfast read a Bible story from the Rhyming Bible.  We have started with Genesis (obvi) and are talking about how God created the heavens and the Earth.  

CRAFT: As we are talking about how God created the heavens and the Earth, we are focusing on how He is a creator and he gives us the gifts and ability to create things too.  He even gave Noah plans to create and build an ark that saved his family's lives.  So we have tied in the Bible story about Noah and the Ark as well.  With that our craft has been to create a rainbow that shows the promise of God that God created himself.  It was super simple and easy to make.  Just buy some pipe cleaners on amazon, cut out cloud shapes on white paper and glue cotton balls to them.   Let your kiddos stretch the cotton balls out so that they are "cloudy".  They can also do the twisting of the pipe cleaners or pick out the colors.  I also bought Popsicle sticks to build a boat...but Hudson wasn't into it! :) 





To learn scripture that goes along with the lesson, we have been playing a kids worship song from "Seeds Family Worship".  They have an album that teaches about the character of God which is amazing!  The music is good and you wont want to crawl in a hole when you listen ;) I've played it for Hudson probably 5 times and he already sings it by himself.  Jordan has also been singing it with him at bedtime! <3


These are a few little books that I bought at Barnes and Noble that are a fun little addition.  This is the Noah's Ark story book that I read to him to tie in our craft! You can find them here.


To keep us reminded about the verse we are working on and the character we are talking about, we are using our little chalkboard wall to write on!


Tag us on instagram and show us how you are teaching your kids!!! <3