Pregnancy with Oils

I started the oily life shortly before I was pregnant with my first son, Hudson back in 2013.  I wasn't using oils very consistently but I knew I wanted a lot of them around during labor and postpartum.  They were SUCH a huge help for me and for him.  I came home from the hospital with a terrible cough ((maybe because I had been laboring for 40+ hours and my body was DONE)).  But using YL's oils in this situation was one of the first times I saw such amazing benefits and the power behind them.  My sister came to stay with us and help us with Hudson and she saw how the oils helped me also and we were all in shock.  

My second son just turned one and I went through my entire pregnancy with him FULLY using all of the oils that I possibly could and it was such a gift to me.  I think the biggest benefit to them while being pregnant is that you actually have some help and a natural option when you CANT use so many other things're pregnant.  

My MUST HAVE list is this.  Now you're going to have to research all of the benefits on your own because the ways I used them I can't talk about because of FDA regulations.  SO get to researching!!!!!

Pregnancy: Cypress (normal blood flow), Lemon (support lungs), Frankincense (support lungs and muscle tension), Deep Relief (support aching feet and tension), Sleepyize-Lavender-Cedarwood (support sleep), Ningxia Red (another post on this coming soon. Claraderm Spray (listen, you might think that this one is a big investment but I'm telling you you NEED this spray.  I used it after using the bathroom every single time and it became my bestie)) AND MOST DEFINITELY Progessence Plus.  

The minute I got home from the hospital I started using Pro Plus.  I started off with 4 drops and worked my way up to 8.  Now I'm down to 6 currently after one year postpartum.  THIS is such a game changer for women of all ages.  Typically women of all ages have low levels of progesterone unless they are pregnant.  These low levels can wreak havoc on your body in countless ways.  THIS is how we "tame the dragon" if you know what I mean.  Pro Plus is a natural form of progesterone made from wild yams.  

I pulled some resources that I have loved for you to look through while you are pregnant and navigating postpartum.  I hope this helps!



Important for digestion: Essentialzyme between meals or Essentialzyme-4 with food
Constipation: Prenatal with a good source of usable iron, ComforTone, Digest & Cleanse
Gums: Thieves oral care, Tea tree oil

Using Supplements & Oils during Pregnancy, Birth & Postpartum

Hydration is SO important during pregnancy and helps to normalize a lot of systems.

**Tip: before using oils on the skin during labor, drop into a wash cloth and smell them to make sure they aren't too strong at the time.

+Drink plenty of Ningxia Red throughout pregnancy and have on hand for labor and nursing

+Using oils to support your body's natural response to stress can really help you during labor. Use Endoflex on the neck, lower back and base of ribs. Nutmeg, myrtle, myrrh and cedarwood for adrenal support. 

+SuperCal provides calcium and magnesium. 

+Nursing: Basil and Fennel, start after baby is born and clean off breasts before nursing

+Make smoothies and add in Pure Protein Complete for an added boost of protein during pregnancy.  The baby needs a lot of protein and so do you.  This is the ONLY shake I will drink because it doesn't have toxic ingredients and added fillers.

+Supplements I highly recommend during pregnancy and postpartum: Ningxia Red, Multigreens, Life 9 (probiotic) and OmegaGize (omega 3).  THIS is my list!!!! OmegaGize is huge postpartum as well because of brain support during sleepless nights.

Oils: ((notes based off the class taught by Dr. Cindy Haggerton))
+Peppermint - energizing, great to diffuse while in labor, supports normal body temperature, use in toilet to urinate after giving birth. *Can decrease milk supply

+Lavender - use during pre-labor and for emotional support. Soothing to the stomach during contractions. Has a calming effect.

+Lemon - uplifting and energizing emotionally

+Frankincense - great for both emotional and skin support - can use on baby after birth for umbilical cord and on top of the head

+Cedarwood & Cypress - emotional support during labor and delivery

+Copaiba - use for muscle support, and can be applied to skin immediately after cut or tearing

+Claraderm - use on perineal area before and after childbirth

+DiGize - supports proper digestion during pregnancy

+Thieves - immune support, apply to bottom of feet
*Thieves cough drops are great to suck on while in labor

+RC - respiratory support, is energizing and can help prevent with exhaustion

+PanAway - great for muscle support and massage

+Purification - cleansing and immune support. Bring a bottle to spray in room after birth and use in bathroom.

+Stress Away - supports healthy blood pressure levels - great to diffuse during labor

+Citrus oils - liver support

+Lemongrass - soft tissue support

+Valor - supports proper alignment, use during labor on hips

+Release, Surrender and Clarity are great blends to use for emotional support during pregnancy and labor

+Animal Scents & Rose ointment - supports nipple and breast tissue

+Melrose - skin support, can be combined with a carrier oil to support the skin during a rash

+Ortho Ease massage oil - supports circulation

Gentle Baby - skin support
Other oils/products recommended to have on hand for labor and delivery:
Deep Relief
Cool Azul
Ningxia Nitro
Tender Tush
Clary Sage

Sweet baby Huddy

Sweet baby Huddy

Pregnant with Hudson!!!

Pregnant with Hudson!!!

Sweet first days with Hudson!

Sweet first days with Hudson!

Seeing Hudson become a big brother has grown my love for him. His heart is so sweet, encouraging and tender for others!!

Seeing Hudson become a big brother has grown my love for him. His heart is so sweet, encouraging and tender for others!!