Valentine's Day Made Easy

I’m the kind of gal who wants to celebrate everything always. i have a whole drawer full of banners and streamers, balloons and fun paper plates for every occasion. It’s a thing in our house! We celebrate. But also i can drive myself mad trying to celebrate, decorate, have fun and make it “perfect”! Why? I dont know. Gah. I wish i did. lol. BUT i’ve been learning how to celebrate in the season that i’m in and not overdo it.

Pinterest and Instagram was always a place for me to go and be inspired and not be overwhelmed…. until I became a mom. Then the subtle, subconscious messages started creeping in about how I needed to be prepared, and have the cutest things alll the time always. SO with that…I’m learning to choose what i LOVE to do and forgo the rest. I’m learning to EDIT down the celebrations and find what I like for our family and when i get to scrolling, know that I don’t have to do ALL the things or buy all the cutest decor.

WIth all that to say, this year for valentines, i knew i wanted to pair down. I knew I wanted fun things but didn’t want to make one single thing myself. I also didn’t want to spend a ton of money or have 100 amazon boxes show up at my door. So i’m sharing what I did invest in so that I could relax and not order 5,000 things on amazon to bake the night before.

I grabbed a few things at Target when I was returning Christmas things, I found this cute cookie company on Instagram late one night and clicked “buy” and that was it. So all the women and mamas, give yourself a break. Click buy. Or have the kiddos make valentines hearts and tape them up. You do you and don’t wear yourself out trying to do it all.

I will say, Frost your cookie is maybe the best holiday find on the planet!!! Especially if baking isn’t your forte!

For decor….I literally had everything already in these pictures. I guess i’m just really sappy and I buy a lot of “love” themed things. But to me, it works all year round. SO i gathered pink pillows, anything with “love” or hearts on it and put it in our living room.

Frost your cookie cookies! I mean OMG!!!! Also Ford already bit into two of them.

Frost your cookie cookies! I mean OMG!!!! Also Ford already bit into two of them.

Gather pink linens and anything with hearts! Or frame your little one’s heart drawings!

Gather pink linens and anything with hearts! Or frame your little one’s heart drawings!

Buy some roses from costco or trader joes! Cut them and fill a short round vase! So pretty! I bought this “love” pillow years ago at Target I think! If you see one, grab it and use it for years to come!

Buy some roses from costco or trader joes! Cut them and fill a short round vase! So pretty! I bought this “love” pillow years ago at Target I think! If you see one, grab it and use it for years to come!

A cute target purchase! Add a small heart banner that’s easy to store and take down.

A cute target purchase! Add a small heart banner that’s easy to store and take down.

Sugarboo always has the most sentimental decor. I’ve had this pillow for years. You can put it in a nursery, in the living room for vday or center it on the guest bed!

Sugarboo always has the most sentimental decor. I’ve had this pillow for years. You can put it in a nursery, in the living room for vday or center it on the guest bed!

More flowers in a taller vase! Easy! And added two pink pillows I already had to the window seat!

More flowers in a taller vase! Easy! And added two pink pillows I already had to the window seat!

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