Halloween House Tour

Is it anyone else’s fall break? We spent all weekend together doing Halloween things and getting some surprises ready for friends! It’s probably the first Halloween season where we weren’t just straight surviving. I’ve always had all the intentions of making it out to a cute pumpkin patch with hay rides or decorating the house with spider webs and bats but we honestly just never made it happen. The ones I have up in our house now are the ones I ordered on amazon LAST YEAR but never had the energy to put up. 👀From being sick to being exhausted to renovating houses or throwing events the last 4 years have typically been a “let’s get through this” mindset. 💔🙈 and I feel like this is the first year where we can take a deep breath and think about what we actually want to do and not what we HAVE to do. If all the capacity you have RN is to turn on Charlie Browns pumpkin patch movie, then do that mama I’ve been there all these past years! Wherever you are, just know there’s no shame and there’s always next year when they’re a little bigger and things are a little easier! Also they’ll always remember that Charlie Brown movie so play it all day and they’ll have the best memories of it! 🙌🏻 cheers to no shame!

Here are a few ideas and links to some of our favorite halloween decorations to make your life easier!

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